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Ik ben Ian. Ik geloof dat design alles verbindt.

Het is niet alleen esthetiek. Nee, verre van dat.

Een goed design brengt de behoeften van gebruikers en je bedrijfsdoelen op één lijn.

Ik kan op 3 manieren impact maken voor je bedrijf

Creëren van een geweldige algehele klantervaring

Je zakelijk succes hangt af van de kwaliteit van de algehele klantervaring en dus van het design.


Los gebruikersproblemen op en voeg waarde toe met design

Mensen negeren design dat mensen negeert. 


Stroomlijn je ontwerpprocessen

Een goed designproces maakt je werk efficiënter. Een efficiënte design-strategie vermindert overhead en time-to-market zonder afbreuk te doen aan de productkwaliteit.



“During the November 2019 Global Virtual Design Sprint Ian and I worked together in the same team. He stood out with his kind, calm and empathetic communication style, knowing when to step in and giving subtle and powerful remarks at the right time..
His expertise in User Research, Service Design and Prototyping were key for us to understand if our storyboard as well as the prototype matches with the expectation of the outer world. He has an action driven mindset, and with that he was able create a prototype, of which all team members were proud of. It was remarkable how he was able to achieve it besides his full time job!
Ian is a great team member with a great value add to any team or client context and I am looking to working with him in the future!”

Mehmet KarakusDesign Thinking certified by MIT Sloan Executive Education

“Ian is a very talented and creative designer, he is always one step ahead and at the same time fully present to the needs of the team. A really great person to have a conversation with that help you think bigger and better. I participated with Ian in a remote design sprint where he took the roles of the designer and also facilitation for another team, he is fully capable of working with remote working tools and I help others grow in the process. I can't wait to work with him again.”

Daniel HerreraProduct Design Engineer & Design Sprint Facilitator

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